Investiture ceremony is an important occasion where a school entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain roles and responsibilities. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to students are important as it teaches them lifelong skills of being powerful and caring at the same time. These ceremonies hold immense importance in shaping the character, values, and leadership qualities of students.

It was a proud moment for Nalanda English Medium School to held its Investiture Ceremony on 03/07/2024, forming its much awaited Board of Prefects – SPL, ASPL, Cabinet members and House Captains. The newly elected members of the Prefectorial Board took the oath. Thereafter, they were conferred with badges and sashes by our Headmistress Mrs. Savitha N Kamath. Class Monitors Badge were also conferred from I to X std. Students.

Scouts and Guides performed March past and their Flag Song was sung.

Headmistress congratulated the elected members of the Prefectorial Board and reminded them that, with position comes responsibility towards themselves, their School and peers. She advised them to be role models for their peers and the juniors.

The function concluded with the NationalAnthem.