On 16th December 2023, our school had organized Merit Day Celebration in the school hall. Governing council, guests Mr. K Balakrishna Pai, Mr. K Satish Prabhu were present. Parents were also invited to attend the event.

The stage was decorated by the teachers and students as planned.

The chief guests lit the lamp, followed by our Headmistress, Mrs. Savitha N Kamath, PTA members and others. The program started with prayer. Mrs. Shilpa Rao hosted the program.

The aim of organizing the merit day was to announce the results and distribute prizes among the students.

The students presented a welcome dance, followed by group dance by our little angels of kindergarten. These little angels wore beautiful costumes and were looking very attractive and innocent while performing.

To make the program more engaging and interesting, students performed group dances. All the students of the school were present to attend the event. They were very happy and waiting for their results.

Teachers announced the results of all classes that included sports events, merit certificates and co-curricular activities conducted in our school this year, and the chief guests gave away the prizes to the students.
Guests expressed their thoughts regarding the event.

The students from class X performed group dance. The audience enjoyed the event.

Our headmistress thanked everyone, especially the chief guests for spending their precious time. The headmistress announced house shields. All the students, parents who attended the merit day celebration enjoyed it the most.

Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mrs. Vandana Pai.

The event was a success and was a memorable one.